Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Since we started out, we have been looking for corporate sponsorship. It is hard to find because there are so many companies who are approached by so many charities with worthy causes. Last week, we got word that one of the grant applications we have made was accepted and Boeing has awarded us some money for the children's surgeries. I am so grateful to all those involved and in particular to Steve Morse who did not give up on me. He kept on encouraging me and finally we got the application finished. I am so happy because I know that this money will be going directly to the medical fund and we will be able to help many children to get the surgery they need. I will be keeping them informed as to how we spent the money they have gifted us and how many children they have helped.

Thank you so much to Boeing and all their employees!!!!

So if you would like to follow Steve's example and personally recommend us to your company, so that we can complete a grant application, please let me know. We are getting more experienced with the grant application process and the fact that we have been operating for almost three years and have been registered as a tax free 501(c) 3 foundation in the US, has been a really great asset.

We hope that this project will make Boeing proud and that as a company they will feel they have spent their philanthropic money wisely.

Life, Love and Laughter,


Starfish Foster Home

Cell: 1348.812.4847

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the grant from Boeing. It is soooo well deserved. More comapnies should jump on board. :-)