Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Benjamin's Big Day

My heart is a little heavy as I write this because today is going to be a big day for Benjamin. After taking to Dr Li last night I found out that after today's CATH (where they stick some equipment with a camera into his heart through a vein in his leg), it is possible that Benjamin will be sent home without any surgery. Although Benjamin's condition is operable there could be vital physical component that is missing which will prevent the surgery. Dr Li did not go into too much detail and so we have to wait to see what will happen today. I am hoping for good news. I will write as soon as I know. I am not sure if anyone in the US could do the operation or maybe another doctor in China. Dr Li speaks really highly of another doctor who only does these really complex cases.

Angel will have her CATH done too today. The purpose like I mentioned before is to use a balloon to open up the valve in her heart and if all goes well she should be home on Friday or Saturday.

Jade will have open heart surgery tomorrow. Dr Li told me they will have to stop her heart to repair her valve and so they will use a heart by pass machine and drop her body temperature. The total procedure should take about 2 or 3 hours.

As you can imagine it is stressful to hear of all of these procedures and what is going to happen to the children. Life is just not fair, but then that is nothing new. I am so in awe of the skills that doctors have and how they perform these medical procedures without too much effort. I am so grateful that there is some way to correct the "fair" and make the playing field more equal.

Thank you for all you love and support which we are surrounded with. I know the babies do not understand but I want to write letters for them to read when they are older to let them know how many people prayed fro them, loved and them and wanted to help.

With a prayer in my heart for Benjamin in particular,

Love and laughter,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh! Poor Ben!
I love reading your blog, and I'm glad you have been so faithful with it!
I know you probably have NO extra time!!
Keep up your good work!