Saturday, August 19, 2006

And then there were 13

I want to introduce you to the newest member of my family here in Xian. Two families from America were visiting us and I had arranged a visit to the big O on Wednesday. We were looking at the babies in the baby room and we all decided that we should take him home. That took about 15 minutes and were on our way back to the foster home. By popular vote, we decided his name should be Sean and so here he is. As you can imagine it was quiet a memorable experience. The two families fell in love with him and Tricia most of all. I think she would have packed him in a suitcase and taken him home if she could have. He was 33 days old then and has a small heart defect. We are not what it is yet and will do some more test next week. Our US paediatrician Dr Hicks says all he needs is some TLC and good nutrition. So Connie has been on the job feeding him every two hours. She will be leaving on Monday and then I will take over. He is as small as Sarah was when she got here and I think people were surprised that I was so hopeful of helping him. We had done that before and not just once. We will surely update you on how he is doing so look out for some more photos.

Love and laughter,
Amanda and the baker's dozen


TBG Happenings said...

He is beautiful! You will have him nice and round in no time!

catbertie said...

He's so tiny!! Blessings to you and all the children! We've added another to our growning prayer list.