Sunday, December 05, 2010

An Update: Adoption 35: YOUP (Justin) in Holland

Hi Amanda,

A quick note from The Netherlands. Everything is fine. Youp is doing great. He is getting bigger and eating and drinking well and his dutch is picking up slowly, but he understands everything. We think he is playing with us, haha. He is a strong minded little man. Who is really in love with his mother. You really can see the bonding between them. Also his sister Luna loves him a lot. I have the feeling it is mutual. They can play for hours with each other. Youp loves bathing an playing. Especially dressing up, and putting on my shoes (as you can see in attached pictures).

When looking at the pictures now, he looks so much bigger now, than when we got him.
He is such a smart laughing boy (little bit spoiled), and everybody loves him. He really knows how to break hearts…..(is this good English, not sure).
By the way, he still goes to bed with his bottle we got from you. We can leave everything out, he doesn’t care. But do not touch his bottle! Haha.

At this moment it is snowing in The Netherlands. The pictures with snow are from today.

I can type huge long letters, but I think the pictures speak for themselves.

We love him very much, he (and we) are doing great. We will keep you updated.


Family Nijs

Alexander, Nicole, Luna and Youp

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