Sunday, May 27, 2007

Rebecca...One tough cookie

This morning Dr Li surprised me by coming in (Sunday) and telling me that Rebecca would be out of the SICU in half an hour. It was after all day three and this is the usual procedure. What I did not expect was that she would act as if she did not have surgery on Thursday. Usually the babies sleep a lot for the first two days and are weak and their chests hurt when they move. Not Rebecca!!! She wanted to be picked up as soon as she got into the room and within a half an hour she had finished her bottle and was in the stroller being wheeled around. She has hardly had a nap and is jumping all over the bed. She is already walking around although still a little wobbly. All four of us are not sure if we are going to be able to handle her for another six days before we get to go home.

Okay so this is what I found out about the bi-directional glenn or BDG?

Used as a treatment for various congenital heart defects, this procedure connects the veins pumping blood to the heart and pulmonary artery, providing a way for blood to flow, bypassing an incomplete or underdeveloped portion of the heart.

It decreases volume load on the single ventricle while improving oxygen saturation as compared to the pre-operative state. In addition, by being a low-pressure shunt, it does not carry the risk of causing lung blood vessel thickening and hardening.

It would seem that Rachel and Danielle are still on schedule for Tuesday morning surgery.

I have not mentioned much about Bethany and Jenni but I will. Thanks so much for all your help.

With Love and laughter in Hangzhou,


Mom said...

What a brave little girl! I'm so glad that they are doing well.

redmaryjanes said...

I'm glad that Rebecca is doing so well. I will say a prayer tonight for the babies.