Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Blue Feet Day

That can only mean one thing....we are preparing adoption dossiers to send to the CCAA. We have to send a set of blue foot prints with the applications. It was so wonderful for me to have Elaine and Torie here. They were so helpful. It usually takes me about three days to get everything done and we did it all in an afternoon. It was like a little assembly line. We did all the measurements, then the applications, then the feet and soon we had all seven completed!

You might wonder who Elaine and Torie are! They are a mother and her 16 year old daughter who came all the way from North Carolina to volunteer with us for more than a week. Elaine and her husband Phil have already adopted a girl from China who is 6 and they have been matched and are waiting to come to China again within the next few months. Thank you so much for all your hard work and being so helpful! Torie kept baking and cooking the whole time. What a girl! I know they left a piece if their hearts here. I have strict instructions not to send any more cute baby pictures about a certain someone, but how can I resist?

I was going to write that Lily is the only one that does not have her paperwork finished but I can no longer say that. Sunday afternoon we got a surprise delivery, two more heart babies. In case you are counting...that makes it 18, a dozen and a half. I knew they were coming but I did not know when. Rebekah looks like a cross between Laura and Benjamin. Danielle on the other hand looks like a cross between Susan and Jade, she also has these long eye lashes. The ayis think that Danielle's eyelashes are longer than Jade's. That would take some doing. It is just the wildest thing to see.

We had two birthday this past week: Sarah and Heather. The frosting is flying high and low over here, much to by delight, Betty Crocker no less. I just love the picture of Sarah looking so bored. Heather did not want to taste the cake. Antoinette offered her help. She knew the drill and was ready to lend a hand.

Life is a little chaotic right now. That is putting it mildly!!!

Love and laughter,
Amanda, chinese.starfishthrower@gmail.com


Mom said...

They are all so gorgeous. Thank you for sharing the pics. Please keep us updated and please post some pics of the new arrivals. Blessings!

Kelley said...

Love the photos! What fantastic news that paperwork is heading over to the CCAA. Many blessings!

A said...

As always...thanks for the update. I love to read about the things you do and see pictures of the babies.

Anonymous said...

I got to know you by chance,
Your stories touched me at once.

Something happened,
I feel distanced .

But respect remained.

Today ,
I was inspired by some old stuffs,
My interest in you aroused.

I tried to key the name in Google,
I was guide here.
Well enough.

I got to know you more,

There is nothing I can do for you,
I wish I could.

Hard thinking I did,
I thought this might doing you good

someone once said,
she is a woman with golden heart.

And today,
right now,right here,
I say
She is a woman with golden heart.
Sincerely and truly.

Sorrow for the hard times you had,
Happy to see your babies fine.

God blesses all of you,
people knew you prayed for all of your guys.

Anonymous said...

there is some beliefs we shared,
that is there is boundaries for love.
The difference is we played it in different ways,
and yours looks fabulous.

Anonymous said...

some time we made stupid mistakes,
and the funny part of it is when you were making it,you are confident it is 100% to be the right thing.

Just now,
I really wanna say
"there is no boundaries for love"
It feels good to laugh at one own's mistake.
And better when others laugh at it.

TBG Happenings said...

Good news Amanda! The babies are soo cute...love seeing these pictures:)

Have Jade and the other babies showed up on any SN lists?? It has been awhile.


redmaryjanes said...

Blue toe toes and birthday cake, what a wonderful combination!

Susie said...

Little blue feet bring so much joy, finally...a forever family.

RoLo said...

Got to love the little blue feet.

redmaryjanes said...

I have nominated you for the Thinking Blogger Award. Come by my site to see what it is all about if you can.