Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Anthony (Benjamin) Update at Christmas 2009

Hi Amanda

We are doing just fine here! Anthony is doing really well in school, but has had some problems with his ear. He has a slight hearing loss, and is unable to hear some low tones according to the Audiologist. He had an ear infection that would n't go away...lasting 45 days and 4 antibiotics it took to get better. The ENT (Ear Nose and Throat Specialist) said that Anthony has a lot of fluid in both ears, and are afraid to put tubes in because of the seriousness of his heart. So we are waiting to see if the hearing loss is from the fluid, or if there is really a loss in that certain "tone range" that they speak of. You would never know that he has anthing wrong...not one sign or symptoms of an ear infection...eats well, although doesn't seem to like much meat, sleeps through the night, loves to play games and do puzzles, runs and plays like any toddler :) So I had no idea that he had trouble with his ears. He had a runny nose and the doctor only looked at him for his preschool physical. I guess that was a good thing, because I wouldn't have had any other reason to take him to the doctor.

We just celebrated his 4th birthday on Dec. 7th. I couldn't believe that we have been home already 18 months. He is such a gem. He loves his brothers and school. His hugs and smiles are contagious and so loving. He loves with all his heart.

His heart is doing well too. I will be seeing the cardiologist in mid January for a check up. But, for the last 6 months, he has been healthy, takes his meds like a champ and never complains. He does have a strong temper when he doesn't get his way, but nothing out of the ordinary. He has grown almost 4 inches in the last 7 months. Amazing !!! We continue to amaze everyone with his strong ability to thrive.

I do apologize for my tardiness. I am not as good as I intended to be keeping in touch. I have followed your journeys to the USA and wished I could have met you for your award. You have been quite busy yourself!! All those new babies in the cleft home. :) I am so proud of you and your accomplishments.

Anthony knows about his "China Mama, Amanda" and talks about you and "his China" when we watch pics of his journey. So sweet...

The pics attached are of bath time, and I will send more in another email or two of our summer and fall in Orlando, Florida.

Peace to you and yours this holiday season!


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