Sunday, April 19, 2009

Flower TurnsFOUR!

For those who do not know about Flower, she was one of the original six babies I started with in September 2004 then called Nina. She was adopted in January 2007, our third adoption. Flower now lives with her family in Boise, Idaho and just celebrated her fourth birthday. She is the oldest baby we have had at Starfish, but there will be a few birthdays coming up soon. So this is what Angee had so write about her.

Yes Flower, you are 4. "Yay!, River did you hear that? I am 4!" I have heard this several times today. Happy birthday to my best 4 year old girl. Over the past year she's continued gymnastics until this month, when she switched to karate. She started preschool. She is smart and outgoing...she loves people and has some very favorite people in her life...she loves her friends and cousins...steals the show wherever she goes...became a big sister...shares a room with her sister...has her first boyfriend...graduated from nursery and is now in Sunbeams at amazing at memorizing songs...has grown two independent and compassionate...traveled along the Oregon Coast as well as Portland and Eugene in the VW Bus...went to Lagoon for the first time...saw her foster mom from China. She's had a full year and grown in so many ways. These are just a few reasons we love this girl and are grateful she's a part of our family.

Flower got a camera for her birthday because she loves taking pictures. Angee started a site and you can see her first attempts with her own camera:

Life, Love and Laughter,

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